देखिये ये विडियो और जानिए १ हफ्ते में बाल झड़ना बंद होकर काले लम्बे बाल पानेका घरेलु उपाय
Watch the video and learn how to get rid of hair fall 100% naturally through simple and easy home remedy only on Mind Body Soul.
Remedey 1:-
4 Dried Plums or ¼ cup Raisins
½ tsp. Castor Oil
¼ cup Hot Water
Method 1 :
3 tbsp of fenugreek seeds that is soaked in water overnight.
Grind it by adding 1 tbsp of olive oil.
Add onion juice to this mixture and apply on scalp.
Leave it for 30 minutes and shampoo the regular way.
Method 2 :
Heat coconut oil and add 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds, 1 tsp mustard seeds, 10 curry leaves, and grated amla.
Heat it for 5 to 7 minutes.
Remove this oil in a bowl and allow it to cool down. You can apply when it is warm.
Store it in room temperature for a week.